Scotland 3d Event Plan
August 23rd, 2012
3d animation is a great tool for event managers. It allows them to take all their ideas about how a promotional event will look and present a reasonably realistic rendition of it to the client. In the case of this installation set to promote Scotland’s tourist industry, that meant custom-built presentation stands and furnishings, a plexi-glass meeting area in the centre and the unusual overhead construction.
I was given 2d line drawings of some of these features; others were just described to me over the phone. The overhead construction was actually an impossible shape in its 2d form, but with 3d modelling I was able to help show the event managers and their set designer how it would be shaped in reality.
The little figures are basic but are vital for identifying the scale of the overall installation. In event planning, that’s pretty crucial.
Categories: 3d Animation, 3d Event Planning | Tags: 3d Event Planning, 3d animation, Scotland, Visit Scotland